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Marcelo Valladão is 48 years old, has dual Brazilian and Belgian nationality and is a resident of Waterloo - Belgium.

In high school, he studied mechanical design from 1990 to 1994, from 1996 to 1999, and studied advertising and marketing at Universidade Paulista de Campinas-SP and has a specialization in product and environment design, neuromarketing, strategic management and consumer behavior.

Marcelo returned to university, and is currently studying Public Management and Environmental Engineering.

Since childhood, Marcelo has always surprised his family and friends with visionary ideas and achievements.
In his professional career, he worked for a large company in the computer education sector (Data Control), acquiring experience with street vendor, telemarketing, internal salesman, sales manager and marketing director). In the 2000s, he stood out as the design of old refrigerators (1950s, 1960s...) for Coca Cola Brasil and with the Troc Troc Supermercado Consciente project, which was the first ecological supermarket in Brazil, which accepts recycled material in the form of payment for the goods, developed numerous designs that you are certainly familiar with today.

In these years of experience I have trained my mind and perception in the 5 senses of the human being, to find solutions to problems in the private and public sector, but my focus is that in each creation I bring a quick and effective message to help society and the planet.

Marcelo made the choice to ''do it differently'', for this reason he does not work with several projects at the same time, he made the option of leaving a booklet formatted only with techniques (which are fundamental) but the result is there, just look at the format of supermarkets and department stores.


Marcelo works with a maximum of 3 projects a year, and with projects that make more sense than the numbers (which are very important) but his mission is to build dreams and achievements, and that his clients leave a true legacy for their families. and collaborators in the sense of reshaping their own missions.

For a better understanding of my professional qualities, I focused on 3 big problems of humanity, garbage production, deforestation in the Amazon forest, income generation for the most needy and the 4th is to help companies in the post pandemic for the economic recovery green.


Good study

Marcelo Valladão

Both projects rely on the technical collaborations of Dr. Prof Phd Alessandra Luca and Dr. Prof. PhD Sati Manchineri specialized in biomaterials from the Federal University of São Carlos - Brazil and Dr. Prof Ricardo Stevan Kennip director general of the Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin Institute - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil and his and the students of digital technology - Nathan Alves, Karina, Jean, Daniel and the indigenous leader Benki Piyãko of the Ashaninka people.

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The Circle of Life project is aimed at developed countries, and transforms international recycling into a tool for eco-social development and aid in the green economic recovery.


Both projects are confidential, for that reason I present to you, a pre-presentation, if you are interested in changing the world, get in touch and in this way we can send it to you in full.

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The Troc Troc Recycling Bank Project is aimed at developing countries and transforms recycling in these countries into an eco-social development tool, helping fragile societies and green economic recovery.


Both projects are confidential, for that reason I present to you, a pre-presentation, if you are interested in changing the world, get in touch and in this way we can send it to you in full.

Recycling Bank
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